Playing for the American Dream
Los Jets is a television documentary series produced by Jennifer Lopez for NUVOtv. In a small Southern town, a group of "outsiders" will show the world what it means to be a champion. This is the real story of Los Jets, a North Carolina high school soccer team composed entirely of Latino young men whose parents immigrated here in search of a better life. In this exciting television documentary series based on A Home on the Field, follow the players' journey to compete to win a state championship as they defy the odds, face adversity, experience defeat and taste victory. Los Jets puts a human face on the world of undocumented life in America.
Meet the players and preview the series below:
Praise for Los Jets
“'Los Jets' is an earnest argument that immigrants and the communities that receive them truly want the same things," The Washington Post.
"It's a political story, a sports story and a personal story," The Los Angeles Times.
"The premiere of Los Jets definitely kicked off its premiere in a big way, scoring the hearts and minds of viewers," The GuardianLV.
"What a High School in the South can Teach America about Acceptance," The Huffington Post.
"It's about the American Dream and social and political issues, but it's also just about wanting to belong," Jennifer Lopez, NUVOtv.